Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thomas Massie Is A Coward

To be honest, if I were the repug nominee in deep-red Nobama Northern Kentucky with the backing of a teenaged Texan billionaire, I wouldn't risk my likely landslide in a debate, either.

That doesn't mean Thomas Massie isn't a sniveling, weak-ass, limp-dicked coward.

From the campaign of Democratic nominee Bill Adkins:

Massie afraid to debate, hides from local voters

Arrogant and dismissive of Kentucky voters,
Massie visits Washington while refusing 15 traditional
Kentucky debates and public forums

Tom Massie has turned down invitations from twelve organizations that have traditionally held candidate forums and debates for Congressional races, refusing 15 invitations in total, including one from his own Tea Party.
“Tom Massie is doing a great disservice to the voters of Kentucky by refusing to have an open discussion on important issues like jobs and Medicare,” says Adkins. “If he can’t face the people of our district and answer the tough questions, he isn’t fit to serve in Congress.”
Multiple independent civic organizations and insitutions, including Northern Kentucky University, have invited both Bill Adkins and Thomas Massie to participate in candidate forums and debates. Bill Adkins has accepted every invitation and Thomas Massie has turned down every event:
NKY Chamber of Commerce
Oldham County Bipartisan Debate
Kentucky Education Assoc. Candidate Night
Nat’l. Federation of Retired Employees
Northern Kentucky University Forum
Lewis County Chamber of Commerce
CN|2 Politics Televised Debate
Alexandria Town Hall
Campbell County Congressional Forum
Shelby County Farm Bureau
Kentucky Retired Teachers Association
Harrison County Tea Party Debate
Kentucky Corn Growers Association
NAACP Candidate Forum – Shelby County
Grant County Chamber of Commerce Forum

Leaders of both Democratic and Republican parties have attempted to schedule bipartisan debates, but have been told no by the Massie campaign.
“Mr. Massie is acting like he already has the job,” said Oldham County Democratic Party Chair, John Sutton. “In an open seat, the people living in the district don’t really know much about either candidate. Mr. Massie received less than 50% of the vote within his own party where there was less than 12% turnout in the entire state. We expect at least 300,000 people to vote in this race and the public deserves a chance to get to know these two men, and more importantly, where they stand on the issues,” added Sutton.
“When there is an open seat, there has never been a precedent for refusing to participate in live debates in the largest economic region of the district, Northern Kentucky. Both the Chamber of Commerce and Northern Kentucky University have traditionally held live debates and Mr. Massie has refused to participate in either of these traditions,” says Campbell County Democratic Party Chairman Paul Whalen.

“It is a shame for the voters of the 4th District that one of the candidates in this open seat doesn’t see the importance of involving the voters in this race. Tom Massie’s behavior indicates that the people of the district do not matter to him,” says Whalen.
Find out more about Bill Adkins here.

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