Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Ethics of Atheism

"Good without god."  That's the short version.

Both atheism and secular humanism posit that ethic and morality stem from basic human impulses far predating the invention of religion. It's simple and intuitive: Most human beings know that harmful behavior is wrong because it is harmful, and don't need an invisible sky wizard to tell us so. Those who don't know or care that harmful behavior is wrong can't be dissuaded by threats from an invisible sky wizard.

But I think a new effort to spell out the ethics of atheism has gotten off on the wrong foot with a fatally misleading label.

The title "Ethical Atheism" is misleading. It implies that Atheism in and of itself is at best neutral ethically and at worst unethical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let's talk about atheistic ethics, or simply the ethics of Atheism.

PZ Myers:

Here’s the preamble:
In real life, atheism means more than mere disbelief in gods, or belief that there are no gods. If you disbelieve in gods, it necessarily follows that you also disbelieve that we get our ideas of truth and morality from gods. This is a significant approach to two central questions about life, in a world where most people believe the opposite.
This is a draft manifesto for ethical atheists who care about both truth and morality, and who want to promote reason, critical thinking and science; atheism over supernaturalism; natural compassion and ethics; inclusive, caring atheist groups; fair and just societies; secular government; and local, national and global solidarity.
Ethical atheism is more useful than dictionary atheism, because it applies the consequences of our atheism to real life. Ethical atheism is more precise than secular humanism, because religious people can be both secular and humanist, and because ethics affects all sentient beings and not just humans.
I like it, and it’s what a lot of us have been saying all along. I really don’t care what label you attach to it — secular humanism, atheism+, ethical atheism — as long as you support the values behind it.
 Those of us who are good are good without a god. Those of us who aren't good won't get good with one.

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