Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Recount": Never Forget

I finally watched "Recount" a few hours ago. I'm still shaking with rage.

I avoided it for years because I could barely think about what happened in November and December 2000 without screaming in fury. Watching a movie about it would kill me for sure.

But now my rage is for what it still happening today, and what will most certainly happen again unless we carve deep in our guts with hot brands the lessons of 2000:
  • Politics is a fight to the death. Doubt it? Ask the 3,000 people who died in the towers, the 4,200 American troops who died in Iraq and the 2,000 American troops who died in Afghanistan because Al Gore gave up.
  • Repugs will steal every single election we let them steal. They fight dirty, and they cannot be stopped with anything less than all-out war.  
  • Everyone who is not fighting like a rabid ferret for every single vote is a liability, if not an outright enemy.
  •  The law is not our friend. The courts are not our friend. The Constitution is not our friend. The media is not our friend. We have only one friend: the people who vote Democratic. We must cherish them, cultivate them, grow them, protect them. They are the only thing standing between us and chaos.
Never. Fucking. Forget.

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