Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rallying 'Round That Ni**er in the White House

I am the last person to underestimate the power of racism - and voter suppression - to hand the presidency to RMoney.
But I think it's possible that RMoney's stunningly stupid response to the assassination of the American ambassador to Libya has buried his campaign.
Here's why: his attack on President Obama in the middle of a foreign policy crisis - a time when Americans reflexively rally around the president, regardless of party - has done what a billion dollars of Democratic Party advertising could not do: turn Barack Hussein Obama into "our president" for millions of doubting Americans.
Not the hardcore Kenyan Usurper nuts, of course, but the sometime voters who never felt comfortable with a president who looks so different from the ones we grew up with. The sometime voters who are now sitting up and paying attention because of foreign policy. 
The foundation for this was laid by the death of Osama bin Laden, of course. Nothing gets a president bipartisan love like a righteous blow to a despised enemy. Ordering the execution of bin Laden opened the door for the doubters to start thinking of Barack Obama as a "real" president.
The murders in Libya by themselves might not have tipped them over into outright defense of Obama, but a public, partisan attack on the presidency while the bodies of murdered Americans were still warm is too much.
Sitting here in Nobama country, I swear I could hear a low roar of outraged patriotism: "How DARE you attack the president when we are under attack!" 

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