Tuesday, September 11, 2012

KY Judge Rejects "Shoot First" Claim

Should have known it would be Proud Liberal Ernesto Scorsone to stand up against the NRA and the mouthbreathers. Good for him, and good for Governor Steve Beshear who appointed Scorsone to that seat.

Greg Kocher at the Herald:
A judge denied a defendant's motion Monday to dismiss a murder charge based on Kentucky's 2006 "stand your ground" law.

Fayette Circuit Judge Ernesto Scorsone said he found probable cause that it was "clearly unlawful" for Patrick Deon Ragland to use force against Kerry "Sam" Mitchell. The judge's ruling rejected Ragland's claim of self-defense.

Ragland, 39, is accused of beating Mitchell to death. Mitchell, 35, was found dead in a closet in his North Limestone apartment on Dec. 28, 2010.

Ragland told police that he attacked Mitchell after Mitchell made sexual advances toward him.
New details about the case became public during an hour-long hearing.
Scorsone represented Fayette County in the General Assembly for 24 years, the last 12 as the Liberal Conscience of the State Senate. In 2004, he spoke eloquently and passionately against Kentucky's Hate Amendment banning marriage equality, even as sponsor Dan Mongiardo and others publicly showed their asses by laughing at him.  Scorsone is the first and so far the only openly gay member of the Kentucky General Assembly.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2012/09/10/2331517/judge-denies-murder-defendants.html#storylink=cpy

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