Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Bad is the Pay Gap in Your District?

Believe it or not, Kentucky is not even close to the worst in this measure.

From Think Progress:
Women are earning less than men in 97 percent of Congressional districts, the National Partnership for Women and Families has calculated. That means that only 13 members of Congress have the privilege of representing an area where women are out-earning or making equal pay to men.

Nationally, women make just 77 cents to a man’s dollar on average, but in some districts, that number is as low as 61 cents:
Here are Kentucky's numbers:

District Percent of Men's Median Pay Amount Lost per Year 3
District 1 79 % $7,743
District 2 77 % $9,393
District 3 82 % $8,259
District 4 82 % $8,375
District 5 72 % $11,068
District 6 81 % $8,542

Districts 1 and 5 are far western and far eastern Kentucky, respectively. Along with District 2 in west-central and southern Kentucky, they are traditionally the poorest regions of the state. District 3 is Louisville, 6 is Lexington and 4 is the Cincinnati suburbs of northern Kentucky.

We are, as ever, thankful for Louisiana and Mississippi for making us look good by comparison.

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