Thursday, September 27, 2012

Freakazoid Asshole Is a Freakazoid Asshole

Tell ya what, Porn 'Stache, the ladies will forego abortion coverage under Obamacare for exactly as long as you give up your taxpayer-funded Viagra prescription.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

From Roger Alford at AP:
A Lexington lawmaker has drafted legislation that would prevent insurance plans made available to Kentuckians under federal health care reforms from paying for abortions.

Republican state Rep. Stan Lee said Wednesday he intends to push for the legislation when lawmakers convene in January, despite assurances from Gov. Steve Beshear's administration that abortions won't be covered.

Lee said he'd prefer to have the prohibition clearly spelled out in law, "just to make sure."

"We want to make sure that no public funding is used to pay for abortions," he said. "I would think that even the people on the other side of the abortion issue shouldn't have too much consternation about this."
Hey, Porn 'Stache:  I have a shitload of consternation about this.
  • A: It is none of your fucking business what anyone uses her health insurance to cover, as long as that person's personal physician has OK'd it.
  • B: Abortion must be on-demand, free of charge, unrestricted, no-question, available-on-every-street-corner, and paid for directly out of your fucking pocket, motherfucker.
And shame on Governor Waste of Oxygen for surrendering before battle was even joined. You just won re-election, so you've got nothing to lose by defending the human rights of half of the fucking population. Let your un-democratic, union-busting, piece-of-shit Lt. Gov. fight his own fucking election.

Read more here:

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