Friday, August 24, 2012

What's Gotten Into the Kentucky Democratic Party?

Well this is weird.
There are a number of talking points that are made available to help Democrats fight the coming smear campaign. In order to help make sure Kentucky Democrats are ready to defend the President from the attacks that have already started and the ones we know are coming, the Kentucky Democratic Party has put together a searchable talking point data base on our website.

Visit to see the new Talking Points Section.

We hope that this tool will be helpful as we see the false attacks emerge and become amplified by the GOP smear machine.

The KDP is committed to helping make sure you have everything you need to defend our party and our candidate. Let's make sure that this November we bring home a winner, up and down the ticket.
The conservative, DINO, Blue Dog, Nobama Kentucky Democratic Party? Defending the Kenyan Usurper? Offering us Dirty Fucking Hippies actual help to keep that Ni**er in the White House?
Check it out. This is not anything the KDP developed on its own. My guess is this sucker came straight from the White House, along with some stern instructions: "Listen up, you racist motherfuckers: we know there are actual Democrats in Kentucky because they complain to us about you all the time.

"We don't expect you to deliver the state for President Obama, but you will make a respectable effort to pretend you're tryiing. So take this tool, post it on your website and promote it to your mailing list."

It's a good tool.  Use it.

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