Saturday, August 25, 2012

The $4,000 Mitt Will Make You Pay to His Billionaire Friends

Because if you deserved a tax cut, you'd be rich.

Think Progress:
That’s right: according to the TPC analysis — which, again, uses the most generous assumptions to fill in the blanks Romney left in the plan — the Romney plan would raise the average middle class family’s tax rate by as much as $4,000 to finance trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich and corporations. That includes the cost of a transition to a tax system that not only dramatically lowers the amount corporations will pay on domestic profits, but also the amount they pay on profits earned overseas and return to the U.S. — a system that will encourage outsourcing and further stashing of profits in offshore tax havens.
Shut up, you peasants, and get back to work.

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