Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Questions for Akins-Bashers

Mssrs Rogers (R- KY5), Whitfield (R-KY1, Guthrie (R-KY2, Barr (Challenger KY6) and Massie (Repug KY4): what say you?
The New Yorker's News Desk blogger Amy Davidson has posed an interesting blog challenge for any "Republican politician who would desperately like to distance yourself from Akin," in the form of "Seven Questions for Republicans Abandoning Akin." After all, she pointed out, "[T]he actual policy positions, if not medical knowledge, of many in the Party are quite close to Akin’s."

Here, for example, are the last three of Davidson's seven questions:
5. Congressman Akin is an educated man. Do you think this incident shows that there are shortcomings in sex education and scientific literacy in America? Would you support increased sex education? And could organizations like Planned Parenthood have a role to play there?

6. You and your colleagues have called on Akin to withdraw from the Senate race against Claire McCaskill. Why? Do you think that he is unfit to serve, or do you just think that he will lose?

7. Can you talk about what you’ve done in your political career to help victims of sexual violence? Have you listened to those women’s -- and men’s, and children’s -- stories?
They're running as far and as fast away from Akin's accidentally-truthful expression of repug policy on those sub-human vagina-creatures, but don't let them get away with it. Make them take a stand: with the national repug platform of no-exception-no-abortion or against it.

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