Friday, August 10, 2012

No Shit; But Still Inexcusable

Don't think some people don't wonder if all the brain-corroding mercury in the air has something to do with the brain-dead politics of both states.

From the AP:
Kentucky is the worst state in the nation when it comes to toxic air pollution from coal-fired power plants, according to a report released Thursday by the Natural Resources Defense Council.


As for Kentucky, Council officials said its power plants are "poorly controlled" and that it has "failed to ... adopt any kind of state law or regulation that requires substantial reduction in mercury or toxic pollution from the power sector."
Well of course it has. Substantial reductions would cost Big Coal possibly an entire dime in profits, and we can't have that. And don't even think about the nickel cost to taxpayers of actually enforcing such laws.

It's no coincidence that the most polluted states in the union are the most backward, most freakazoid and most repug.

Read more here:

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