Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Polling Rule; Voter With Required Voting ID Only

TPM has Obama up by 12 in Pennsylvania, and by six in both Florida and Ohio.
This worries me a lot. 
In Pennsylvania, Obama needs at least a 20-point lead to make up for the hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters who will be barred from voting because of the new unconstitutional voter ID laws there. In Florida and Ohio, repugs governors are putting every possible obstacle in front of Democratic voters: impossible registration, less early voting, not enough machines in urban districts, etc.
So polls showing Democratic leads in repug-governed states are completely meaningless unless the poll has a screen to ensure it counts only voters who will actually be physically able to cast a vote in November.

So here's my proposal for election polls between now and November 6: count only those voters who answer affirmatively the following questions:
Do you know what the voter ID requirements are for your state?(State them.)
Do you have the required form of ID?
If you live in an urban or strongly Democratic precinct, do you plan to vote early to avoid problems on election day?
Screen your poll subjects that way, THEN I'll believe Obama has a chance in hell of stopping the GOP from stealing Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio.

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