Tuesday, August 21, 2012

KY Repug Challenger Gets Convention Spot

All of three people not in Candy Barr's immediate family will be watching, but let's not let this opportunity slip away.

Let's find out just how kill-grandma, illegitimate-rape, no-taxes-on-rich-people, get-that-ni**er-out-of-the-white-house Barr thinks he has to get to beat DINO Ben Cowardly Worm Chandler in the new, bluer Sixth.

Jack Brammer at the Herald
Andy Barr, the Republican nominee for Central Kentucky's 6th Congressional District race, has been selected to address the Republican National Convention during its first evening session on Monday.

Barr, whom the National Republican Congressional Committee has designated as one of the most promising Republican challengers nationwide, said he does not know when or how long he will get to speak.


Barr, a Lexington attorney, is in a rematch this year against Democratic incumbent Ben Chandler of Woodford County. Barr lost to Chandler in 2010 by 647 votes.

"I look forward to telling America how the vision of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will enable Kentuckians to dream again — unleashing our limitless potential to create jobs and opportunity," Barr said in a statement.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2012/08/20/2305161/andy-barr-selected-to-speak-at.html#storylink=cpy
The DCCC has Benny's back, pouring buckets of cash into defending a Blue Dog traitor who votes the way John Boehner tells him to. Meanwhile, dozens of Real Democrats nationwide with real chances to defeat repug incumbents go begging.

So the question is whether Candy Barr is as repug as Benny Boy. Brammer fails to ask these questions:

Does Candy agree with Todd Adkin, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that rape victims should be forced to give birth, even if it kills them?

Does Candy agree with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that it's OK to strip Medicare down to a coupon program as long as people over 55 get to keep the real thing?

Does Candy agree with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that $4.7 trillion in tax cuts for the rich minus $1.4 trillion in budgets cuts will magically cut the deficit instead of sending it spiralling out of control?

Does Candy agree with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that the only way to stop Iran from starting a nuclear war in the Middle East is for the U.S. and Israel to attack, thus starting a nuclear war in the Middle East?

Does Candy agree with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that the best way to restore the economy is to hand the keys of the Treasury back to the meth-addled gamblers on Wall Street?

Does Candy agree with Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney that 650,000 working Kentuckians without health insurance don't deserve Medicare? That people with pre-existing conditions shouldn't have health insurance at all? That women working minimum-wage jobs don't deserve mammograms and pap smears?

The 2012 republican presidential ticket is so extremist the word has lost its meaning. Repug congressional candidates all over the country are scrambling to disavow it. In Tampa next Monday, will Candy Barr defend it?

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