Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kentucky Does the Logical, No-Expense, Disenfranchising Thing

Yes, it saves a ton of money and it makes a lot more sense than trying to squeeze a special election in sometime between five and 11 weeks from now, but it leaves the 700,000-plus residents of the Fourth District without representation in Congress for nearly three more months.

From the AP:
Gov. Steve Beshear has scheduled a special election to replace former Republican U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis for Nov. 6 - the same day as the general election. 
That means big savings for taxpayers in the 4th District.
Lynn Zellen, spokeswoman for the secretary of state's office, said holding the special congressional election on a separate day could have cost as much as $500,000.
This also means that the winner of this election will not have to wait until January to be seated in the 113th Congress along with the other new Members, but will begin representing the Fourth District immediately on Nov. 7.  Bill Adkins or Thomas Massie will join the 112th Congress in the lame-duck session that may prove one of the most contentious in history.

Read more here:

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