Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 77th, Social Security - And Many More!

karoli at Crooks and Liars:


A government program that has been going strong for 77 years, has made all of its payments on time, and has allowed senior citizens to retire with some dignity and security should be celebrated, not vilified.

Today is Social Security's 77th birthday, and if Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney have their way, it won't live to see 80, at least not in its current form. That in itself should be a powerful reason to send them packing in November.

There is no social safety net with more strength than Social Security, which is why Republicans are foaming at the mouth to send that money to Wall Street.

Watch that video and share it with anyone who doesn't actually understand what Social Security does and why it must be continued in its present form.

Let them eat cake!

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