Friday, August 24, 2012

Confessed Rapist Whines "My Life is Ruined!"

Not nearly enough, motherfucker.

Jason Riley at the Courier:
An attorney for one of the two boys who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting Savannah Dietrich told the Huffington Post Dietrich has ruined his client’s life and he accuses her of lying about certain facts.

"He's had to move," David Mejia, told The Huffington Post of his teenage client this week. "He has lost all the potential that was there. He was attending high school and was kicked out. He was on course to a scholarship to an Ivy League school to play sports and that may be jeopardized. He's in therapy. He's just overwhelmed and devastated by what started from the conduct of this young girl saying false things as she did."

Thomas Clay, Dietrich’s attorney, said he was furious with Mejia’s comments and argued it was a clear indication that the confidential juvenile court case needs to be opened to “let the public make its own determination about what the truth is.”
He had to move? Poor baby! If only he'd gotten the long sentence he deserves in the maximum-security prison where he belongs, he wouldn't have to worry about moving ever again.

Yes, indeed, let's open juvenile courts right now. Let's get this shit right out in the open. Let's see those filthy little rapists defend themselves in court in front of the whole world. Let's find out who the fucking liars really are.

And let's also take up a collection to buy some new headline writers for the Courier. The head on this one is "Savannah Dietrich has ruined the life of one of her accusers boy's lawyer claims"

Attention Courier copy desk: the person who is raped is the accuser; the people who confessed to committing the rape are the rapists, not the accusers.

1 comment:

  1. Completely impartial but sexual assault in second degree is taking a picture... Rape is on a different scale. Just saying
