Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Birther Damon Thayer

Shame on CN2 for describing the racism-'n-resentment teabagger rally at the Kentucky Capitol last week as an "affordable care rally," but kudos for capturing and posting this bit of birther racism from a sitting Kentucky state senator.

In the video, Thayer says "Let's send Barack Obama back to Chicago or Hawaii or wherever he wants to go ..." at which point someone in the crowd (all white and apparently with nothing else to do in the middle of a work day) yelled "Kenya!" Thayer burst into a wide grin and responded "I wasn't going to say that, but I appreciate the sentiment."

Democratic Rep. Darryl Owens criticized Thayer for adding fuel to the “birther” movement – which contends Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Owens sent Thayer a letter stating the following:

“When someone in the crowd responded ‘Kenya’ your reaction appeared to give credence to the odious concept. You had an opportunity to have your own McCain Moment and correct or dispel that false claim, but you chose to grin and look pleased,” Owens said in his letter to Thayer.

Thayer has ambitions for higher office. Earlier this year, he got caught supporting legislation proposed by Gov. Steve Beshear - a Known Democrat. My guess is he's been spanked and told to toe the mouth-breather line of racism if he doesn't want to get primaried by an opponent backed by a Texas billionaire.

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