Tuesday, August 7, 2012

As Always, Repugs Are Fucking Over Veterans

Since at least 1969, when Richard Nixon accepted the advice of unprosecuted war criminal Henry Kissinger to keep the Vietnam War going until after the 1972 election, repugs have been the enemy of the military.

They are geniuses at distracting voters with empty gestures like flag pins and unpatriotic jingoism while working constantly to undermine real military readiness: cutting funding for ground troops' equipment, pay and benefits while wasting trillions on superfluous high-tech toys and overpriced, poor-quality private contractors.

So it's no surprise that RMoney is throwing veterans under the bus in order to successfully steal the presidential election.

Days after falsely accusing the Obama campaign of working to restrict the voting rights of members of the military, the Romney campaign still won’t say whether they believe Ohio cops, firefighters and veterans are worthy of early voting rights. The Romney campaign has failed to respond to multiple inquires from TPM on whether they believe Ohio veterans, cops and firefighters should also be allowed to vote in-person during the three days before an election. 

Or as John Soltz from Vote Vets puts it:
Absolutely unreal!

As detailed today in a piece I wrote for ThinkProgress, Mitt  Romney is trying to restrict voting rights for over 900,000 Ohio veterans (aloote.

It’s disgusting.

It’s wrong.

And it hurts veterans.

Disgusting, wrong, hurts veterans: yep, that's repugs all over.

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