Sunday, August 26, 2012

Adkins Only Ky Dem Condeming GOP Rape Platform

Not incumbents John Congressman Awesome Yarmuth in the Third District or Ben Cowardly Worm Chandler in the Sixth.

Certainly not challenger Charles Hatchett in the First, who opens his website with the word "God blessed America, not joke challenger David L. Williams in the Second, who doesn't even have a website, nor persistent challenger Kenneth Stepp in the Fifth, who also does not have a website.

Only Proud Obama Supporter Bill Adkins in the Fourth.  From the email:

Bill Adkins stands firmly against “No Exceptions” language in Republican Party platform

After Congressman Todd Akin’s outrageous remarks last week that “legitimate” rape victims do not get pregnant, the Republican party voted to incorporate strict language into their party platform with no exceptions for pregnancies that result from rape or incest.

Trying to avoid the loss of a potential pick-up seat, some Republicans are calling for Todd Akin to step down from his race in Missouri.
Where is Tom Massie, my opponent, on this issue? Why hasn’t he stepped up to condemn these horrible remarks and denounce his party’s platform that there are no exceptions for women and young girls who have been raped or victims of incest? Where is his compassion for victims?
Tom Massie says he wants an "adult conversation". Tell Tom Massie to stop hiding and tell us where he stands on rape victims’ rights.

We do not need to elect an extremist to Congress who will step on women’s rights. I need your support today.
Massie is a giant teabagger who beat four primary opponents with the help of a teenaged billionaire from Texas. Bill Adkins is running as a proud supporter of President Obama in racist Northern Kentucky. That alone makes him the bravest and most liberal congressional candidate in the Commonwealth.

Give him some love.

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