Monday, July 30, 2012

The Irony of Evolution Denial

It's a testament to both the extreme ignorance and extreme arrogance of the young earth creationist morons that Ken Ham erected his creation museum monument to intellectual child abuse barely 20 miles away from the very site whose discovery 79 years before Charles Darwin was born blew the biblical myth of creation to smithereens.

Mike Rutledge, Kentucky Enquirer:
UNION, KY. — The gigantic bones found long ago in southwestern Boone County shook the minds and beliefs of top scientists east and west of the Atlantic Ocean in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Europeans and Americans had never seen the likes of the massive skeleton of extinct mastodons until French Capt. Charles Lemoyne de Longueil came upon them during a 1739 military expedition at a place called Big Bone Lick.

The bones, molars and tusks that belonged to vanished mastodons and woolly mammoths forced the country’s future third president, Thomas Jefferson, and scientists around the world to recast their beliefs about the workings of nature and the very concept of extinction. Jefferson and others couldn’t comprehend that God, in creating the perfect world of nature, allowed a type of creature to vanish forever.


Today, the 525 acres of Kentucky’s Big Bone Lick State Park are a quiet area of hilly woods where breezes from the Ohio River, more than a mile to the west, carry the music of songbirds. Even the big signs and impressive bronze markers don’t fully reveal to visitors the impact this place had on the national consciousness and on the evolution of scientific thought.
 Science always wins, and mother nature will get. you. every. time.

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