Sunday, July 22, 2012

If You Can't Stop 'Em, Sue Their Murdering Asses

This is why giant corporations want "tort reform" that excludes citizens from the court system: because once corporations have bought our legislators, trial courts are the only place left where we can hold corporate criminals accountable.

Anthony Gucciardi at Nation of Change:

Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars). The reason? As with many other cases, such as the ones that led certain farming regions to be known as the ‘suicide belt’, Monsanto has been reportedly taxing the farmers to financial shambles with ridiculous royalty charges. The farmers state that Monsanto has been unfairly gathering exorbitant profits each year on a global scale from “renewal” seed harvests, which are crops planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest.

The practice of using renewal seeds dates back to ancient times, but Monsanto seeks to collect massive royalties and put an end to the practice. Why? Because Monsanto owns the very patent to the genetically modified seed, and is charging the farmers not only for the original crops, but the later harvests as well. Eventually, the royalties compound and many farmers begin to struggle with even keeping their farm afloat. It is for this reason that India slammed Monsanto with groundbreaking ‘biopiracy’ charges in an effort to stop Monsanto from ‘patenting life’.


Will endless lawsuits from millions of seriously affected individuals be the end of Monsanto?

Probably not. But enough publicity might shame a few legislators into cutting back the most blatant free rides given the murdering motherfuckers of Big Ag.

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