Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fairness in Fayette

In too many - nearly all - of Kentucky's 174 schools systems, it's not OK to be gay. Teachers, staff and students can be disciplined and fired or expelled for being not heterosexual. Others may call them names and bully them with impunity.

But not in the Fayette County school system. Not any more.

From Jim Warren at he Herald:

The Fayette County Board of Education unanimously approved new policy language Monday night to protect students, teachers and school district employees from discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Fayette County joins about half a dozen other Kentucky public school districts that specifically prohibit such discrimination.


 Shelton said the groups requested the change because they had heard of some reports of bullying or harassment of people based on their gender identity or sexual orientation.


Brad Hughes, a spokesman for the Kentucky School Boards Association, said the U.S. Department of Education holds that Kentucky school districts' general prohibition against discrimination based on sexual discrimination covers all discrimination involving gender.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Sure, technically. But the fact is that LGBT students, staff and teachers live under constant threat in school systems with just the gender discrimination ban: toe the line, or out you go.

Good on Fayette, and shame on the 168 school systems still hiding behind homophobia.

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