Friday, July 13, 2012

Chandler Not Attending Repug Convention in Tampa

Well that's a smart decision. After all, Ben's party's nominee, Mitt Romney, is struggling even with his own base and is almost as unpopular in Kentucky as President Obama is, and ...

What's that you say? Ben is not going to the Democratic convention? But why would he go to Charlotte, lying repug weasel that he is?

Ben Chandler who voted with the repugs on fake contempt charges against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder?

Ben Chandler who voted with the repugs to uphold the despicable and unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act? (Only homophobes support DOMA, and all homophobes are closet cases, Benny Boy - what are you hiding?)

What possible reason would he have to go to a convention full of actual Democrats?

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