Saturday, July 28, 2012

Boycott Yes; Censorship, No

Stay the fuck away from Chik-Fil-A. Boycott the hate-mongering, homophobic, freakazoid motherfuckers. But don't let the shitty place bait us into violating the Constitution.

Chik-Fil-A is a blight on the University of Louisville campus, as it is everywhere it pollutes public space. But it's also a monument to the stupendous power of the First Amendment to protect our fundamental identity as Americans.

Goverment cannot censor speech - any speech. The cure for wrong speech is not less speech; it is more. Don't like what someone is saying? Make your case against it.

Go ahead, you hateful homophobic motherfuckers: shout your stupidity at the top of your lungs. We will respond by shouting facts, reality, humanity and progress at the top of ours.

And the best argument will win.

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