Monday, June 18, 2012

Unions Winning Votes on the Ground

Unions aren't dying; they're getting murdered. This is how.

American Airlines lobbied for a law change to fight unionization. Under the old law, if 35% of workers signed a union card, then a vote had to be held to determine if the workers wanted to form a collective bargaining unit. American Airlines got that raised to 50% of workers. Communications Workers of America claims they got the 35% of America Airlines’ passenger service employees signed up before the law was changed and that the law wasn’t retroactive anyway. Stay tuned.

I think the passenger service reps are the only employees at American who are not yet represented. Wouldn't more content counter staff makes life more pleasant for all of us?

Meanwhile ...

”Registered nurses at Research Medical Center [of Kansas City] have voted in favor of union representation [260-92].”

Both via Firedoglake.

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