Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Repugs Playing PAC Hardball in Kentucky

Mitt Romney is shamelessly coordinating his campaign with Super-PAC master Karl Rove and dems don't make a peep, but let a dem PAC use old campaign footage, and the repugs are in court charging high crimes and misdemeanors.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:

A Lexington attorney has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging Democratic U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler's re-election campaign illegally coordinated ads with an independent expenditure group.

The complaint filed by Mark A. Wohlander deals with an ad launched last week by Patriot Majority USA that touts Chandler and his role in Medicare.

Wohlander has contributed to the campaign of Chandler's rival, Republican Andy Barr, but said he was not asked by Barr or anyone in the Barr campaign to file the complaint. Chandler and Barr are in a rematch this year for Central Kentucky's 6th Congressional District seat. Chandler narrowly beat Barr in 2010.

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