Monday, June 25, 2012

Rally for Single-Payer in Kentucky

From KY


On the Day Following the Supreme Court Decision
Join Us in Response to the Court’s Decision on the ACA
Forward to Single Payer!

The Supreme Court is expected to rule on constitutional challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) before the end of June.  Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care invites you to be with us as we join demonstrations for single payer all across the country with the positive message--Forward to Single Payer Health Care.  We march for single payer, regardless of what the court’s decision is.

At 4:00 pm on the day following the Supreme Court’s announcement, we will gather in Jefferson Park at 6th and Jefferson in downtown Louisville. There will be brief remarks.  We will have signs, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Beginning at 4:30 pm we will walk the two blocks to the Humana Headquarters at 5th and Main where we will issue a statement stressing the urgency of adopting a single-payer health system – an improved Medicare for All – as the only way to assure truly universal, comprehensive and affordable coverage, eliminate financial barriers to care, improve efficiency and control costs.

Our main message:
“To save lives and money, enact HR 676, an improved Medicare for all.”

If the law is declared unconstitutional in whole or in part, we will point out that single payer is clearly constitutional.

The Schedule for the Day Following the Supreme Court Decision:

        4:00 pm: Gather in Jefferson Park at 6th and Jefferson
        Around 4:30 pm:  Begin Walk to the Humana Headquarters at 5th and Main
        Around 5:00 pm:  5th and Main, Rally and release statement to the press

We ask that all organizations help by forwarding this message to your members and turning out a crowd that will signal a positive, humane direction in health care for our people and the nation.

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