Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Monument to Anti-Women Hate, Murder and Terrorism

Not a metaphorical monument; an actual, physical, concrete celebration of their horrible cult of death

And they plan to build it in the very place where one of their pet terrorists assassinated a genuine hero of the Right of Every Woman to Life.

Stan Finger at The Wichita Eagle:

A Wichita church is hoping to raise millions of dollars to construct a National Pro Life Memorial and International Life Center.

The center will be built on land at Meridian and 37th North that has been donated for the center, said Mark Holick, pastor of Spirit One Christian Ministry.

“We’re just in the beginning” of fundraising efforts, Holick said Monday. “We haven’t raised anything.”

Organizers envision “a place of repentance, mediation and healing,” according to a brochure on the project. Plans include an exact replica of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and memorial gardens.

Sixty crosses memorializing the estimated 60 million abortions that have been performed since the Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade will be placed around the grounds.

A board of directors, website, telephone number and temporary office space “will soon be announced,” a promotional brochure states.

Want to support the organization that Dr. George Tiller founded to protect the rights of adult women? Donate to Trust Women.

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