Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's Not Just the Economy, Stupid

Steve M. eviscerates Ezra Baby Wonk Klein's ludicrous claim that Romney might be good for the economy, and you should read every word.

But I'll add that even if Baby Wonk were right that congressional repugs would support massive spending by a repug president, the economy's just a fraction of the story.

Would even trillions in infrastructure spending make up for Romney enacting the non-economic parts of the repug agenda?

  • National criminalization of homosexuality.
  • Repeal of all workplace, education and civil liberty protections for minorities and women.
  • Deportation of all non-white immigrants, legal and otherwise, including those born in this country to immigrant parents.
  • National criminalization of not only abortion, but all forms of contraception.
  • Repeal of all regulations covering safe food, clean water, clean air, workplace safety, consumer products, corporate fraud, etc.
  • Outlawing public unions and allowing private employers to bar unions.

And that's not even counting the horrors if spaghetti-spined Mitt caved to the Dominionists and turned the country into a Dark Ages theocracy that would make Saudi Arabia look like Sweden.

Not to mention war with Iran, North Korea and possibly even Russia.

How very, very fortunate the Baby Wonk is, that apparently none of those changes would affect him at all.

As Steve concludes:

You want to roll the dice on a Romney presidency because you think he won't be any worse than Bush or Reagan? Look around at the GOP and its backers right now, then tell me that we can afford to risk that bet. I don't think so.

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