Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Lose Re-election, Cowardly DINO Edition

I'm trying to list all the congressional repugs so terrible that I would not vote for them over despicable piece-of-shit DINO Joe Manchin of West Virginia. There aren't that many, and Evan McMorris-Santoro at TPM explains why:

Three of the biggest names in West Virginia Democratic politics will skip the Democratic National Convention this summer, once again highlighting President Obama’s rocky relationship with the state’s electorate.

But if Sen. Joe Manchin, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and Rep. Nick Rahall — all Democrats — thought pulling out of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte this September would earn them the respect of Republicans, they’re wrong.

Tomblin made it clear the decision was an Obama snub. Like Manchin, he’s refused to say whether he’s voting for Obama this November, and has publicly distanced himself from the president more than once.


Machin didn’t mention the president in his statement announcing he won’t attend the convention.

“I intend to spend this fall focused on the people of West Virginia, whether that’s representing them in my official U.S. Senate duties or here at home, where I can hear about their concerns and ideas to solve the problems of this great nation,” he said. “I will remain focused on bringing people together for the next generation, not the next election.”

Manchin and Tomblin face re-election fights in the fall, as does Rahall.


The state Republican Party told TPM the trio’s decision to skip the convection won’t earn any toned-down treatment from the GOP.

“Absolutely not,” said West Virginia GOP Executive Director Chad Holland.

“The fact that they’re running and hiding from the Democrat convention when everybody knows that the only reason they’re doing it is so they don’t have to answer the question yet of who they support for president shows a profound lack of leadership,” he said. “West Virginia has serious problems and it needs serious men and women to resolve these problems. And if you can’t step up and say you support for president, I don’t know how we can trust you to solve the problems facing fellow West Virginians.”

Do Manchin and the others think voters won't notice they're Democrats if they don't attend the convention?

So, these three are not just racist, cowardly, traitorous, lying motherfuckers, they're bone stooopit.

And come November, they'll be losers, too.

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