Friday, June 29, 2012

Explaining Roberts: Business Uber Alles

Short version: Corporate America didn't want the ACA overturned (it's profitable and it postpones demands for single payer), and little johnny always does what his corporate masters tell him to do.

Unlike his right wing brethren on the Court, it would appear that Roberts is ideological to the extent that ideology serves money. Most of the time that makes a majority with Thomas, Alito, Scalia and Kennedy. In this case, due to the nature of the law and its goals, it swung the other way. But Roberts wasn't being inconsistent. He delivered
The Supreme Court is where the real conservative revolution --- the corporate revolution --- is going to be taking place over the next several years. Today Chief Justice Roberts went a long way toward ensuring that it will have the legitimacy to get that done.
Read the whole thing.

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