Friday, June 1, 2012

Does Mitt Romney Support Scott Roeder?

Seriously, somebody ask him that question. I doubt Willard even knows who he is - and why should he? What does a repug billionaire care about just another redneck, red-state murderer?

But the repug base sure as fuck cares - Scott Roeder is their hero. And Willard better learn how to lie about that, too.

From Trust Women:

Three years ago (May 31), one of the most dedicated and tireless advocates of women and their right to reproductive freedom and healthcare was violently taken from this world. And, for three years, women in Wichita and surrounding areas have been without access to abortion care.

As Dr. Tiller said so many times, and which was pinned to his office wall, “It’s never too late to do the next right thing.” That attitude of his—that dedication—is what we have to remind ourselves of when things get tough, when another piece of insultingly anti-woman legislation is introduced, when another roadblock is thrown in our path. That attitude is what will help us restore access to the women of Wichita and surrounding areas. It’s never too late.

What we also must remember, when the rights of women are being assaulted, when sometimes it seems like it might be easier to just move on to something else, is that he would want us all, collectively, to get to work and find -- as he said so simply -- “solutions, not problems.”

Today, as we remember Dr. Tiller, let’s remember his wisdom and his drive, so we can do the next right thing, so we can find a solution—not harp on the problem. This movement is not about proving a point or winning a fight, it’s about getting women needed care.

Click here to help us do the next right thing. Help us restore access and honor Dr. Tiller’s memory by donating $31 today.

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