Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Case the Supremes Will Use to Eliminate Environmental Laws

Right now, John "Traitor to the Cause" Roberts is frantically searching for a case that will let him crush the dirty fucking hippies once and for all and most importantly cancel the hit Karl Rove and the Kochs just took out on him.

This is that case.

A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the first-ever regulations aimed at reducing the gases blamed for global warming.

The rules, which were challenged by industry groups and various states, including Kentucky and Indiana, will reduce emissions of six heat-trapping gases from large industrial facilities such as factories and power plants, as well as from automobile tailpipes.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington said that the Environmental Protection Agency was “unambiguously correct” in using existing federal law to address global warming.

The ruling is perhaps the most significant to come on the issue since 2007, when the Supreme Court found that greenhouse gases could be controlled as air pollutants under the Clean Air Act.


Kentucky’s top environmental regulator, Len Peters, said it was “unfortunate” that the appeals court “chose to ignore Kentucky’s assertion” that the EPA regulations were “unlawful attempts” to “rewrite the text of a statute enacted by Congress.”


Industry groups vowed to fight on. “This decision is a disappointment to Kentucky (electric utility) ratepayers and the coal industry,” and one that will harm the economy across Appalachia, said Bill Bissett, president of the Kentucky Coal Association. He said he expects further legal challenges.
Would the Supremes overturn their own five-year-old precedent? The same Court that overturned a century of precedent and shit all over the Constitution for the sole purpose of destroying the Democratic Party forever and guaranteeing a permanent Corporatocracy? They can't wait.

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