Saturday, May 5, 2012

More ALEC Abominations Sneaking Into Your State Legislature

No, the "Stand Your Ground" and "Only White Repugs Can Vote" motherfuckers haven't backed down and they haven't given up and if they lose every corporate sponsor they've still got enough Koch Brothers billions to keep them going for centuries.

So it's up to us to check every innocent-looking bill filed in our state legislatures for ALEC's filthy fingerprints.

Stephen Lacey and Jessica Goad at Think Progress:

The American Legislative Exchange Council, a “stealth business lobbyist” that helps corporations write state and federal legislation supporting their interests, has taken major heat for its backing of controversial laws.

More than a dozen companies — including Coca Cola and Procter & Gamble — have pulled out of the organization over the last month due to ALEC’s support of voter ID requirements and the Stand-Your-Ground law blamed by many for the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

While the controversy around these laws has been widely reported, ALEC’s efforts to help corporate interests cut down climate legislation, renewable energy, and environmental protections are only now being heavily scrutinized. Funded by coal and oil companies, ALEC has made it a priority to stop any changes to the fossil-fueled status quo.

Below, we document the five of the worst anti-environmental initiatives being pushed by ALEC.

Stopping a Price on Carbon


Stripping Targets for Renewable Energy


Turning Over Public Lands to the States


Watering Down Public Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals


Preventing Regulation of Toxic Coal Ash


ALEC is a strong force working behind the scenes to stop any meaningful action on climate and clean energy. This is just a small snapshot of the pro-polluter bills the organization has crafted over the years. With the largest, dirtiest energy companies funding ALEC, it’s clear who these “model” laws are designed to help.

Click here for details.

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