Saturday, May 12, 2012

Making Sure Obama Loses Even After He Wins

From Zandar, who always sees through the mothefuckers:

So in the world of Big Moron, Obama game a speech to an "empty arena". There's no downside to the lie, of course. It's not like our liberal media will call them on it. In fact, it's more likely they will repeat the lie until it becomes fact, then a trend consisting of facts, then a President locked in a tight race for his political survival (when the opposite its true.) It may demoralize voters. It will give observers the illusion of a close race, and of course the opinion-makers of the Village must be heeded in a situation like that. A boring, lop-sided competition becomes a razor-thin slugfest. You know, just like 2008 wasn't.

When he wins, it will be "How could he possibly have won when he gave campaign" rallies at empty arenas? He couldn't possibly have won without his Chicago thuggery! It must be VOTER FRAUD ON AN UNPRECEDENTED SCALE! IMPEACH! IMPEEEEEEEACH!"

And let's be honest: The next six months of this aren't really about helping Romney win. He can't and they know it. It's all about pre-emptively delegitimizing Obama's second term now. The plan really is simple. Six months of "empty arenas" and "unspectacular attendance" will prove that the polls showing the President ahead are all "suspect". When he wins, it will be "hard for the country to accept how it happened when nobody came to the President's rallies".

And that of course, Republican in Congress will have to investigate because the "people will be clamoring to know". The people lied to by Breitbart, and FOX, and Drudge, and the rest.

Really is that simple. How well it will work? For tens of millions who only get their info from FOX and still believe the President's birth certificate isn't real? For tens of millions more who get their news from the Villagers who insist only they have the power to see the future of this race that's "too close to call"?

No matter what happens, no matter what he accomplishes, Barack Obama will always be "that ni**er in the White House" to a certain segment of the population. The question is whether the rest of us will fight to keep the polite version of that from becoming conventional wisdom.

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