Sunday, May 13, 2012

Justice For the RIch, But Not On Them

If a homeless person cut down just one of those trees to build a lean-to and make a small fire, that person would be in prison for the rest of his life.

Why is Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder walking free?

Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns and Money:

Rain makes trees grow, but only if they're planted. This new book asserts that after chopping down public-easement trees to improve his mansion's view of the Potomac River, Chainsaw Dan Snyder tried to ruin the career of the National Park Service ranger who blew the whistle. Click "media kit" for a summary of the allegations. Your columnist has no way of knowing whether the book's charges are true. It is known that a 2006 federal report found Snyder had "undue influence" at the Park Service.

The clear-cutting happened in 2004. After being caught, Chainsaw Dan promised to replant. Seven years later, no new trees. Since saplings take a decade to acquire height, years of putting off the replanting assured Chainsaw Dan of a long period of unobstructed view. If an average person cut down Park Service trees, there would be immediate retribution. When a wealthy person does the same, the government goes lapdog.

If you want to know how we got to this point, read Glenn Greenwald's "With Liberty and Justice for Some."

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