Monday, May 21, 2012

"Dumb" Science and Repug Lies

Repugs: Moronifying America for fun and profit.

Kevin Drum:

Members of Congress love to grandstand about allegedly idiotic studies being funded by federal grants. But guess what? It turns out that a lot of this dumb sounding research ends up being pretty useful:

Federally-funded research of dog urine ultimately gave scientists and understanding of the effect of hormones on the human kidney, which in turn has been helpful for diabetes patients. A study called “Acoustic Trauma in the Guinea Pig” resulted in treatment of early hearing loss in infants. And that randy screwworm study? It helped researchers control the population of a deadly parasite that targets cattle — costing the government $250,000 but ultimately saving the cattle industry more than $20 billion, according to Cooper’s office.

More here.

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