Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Corporations Still Supporting ALEC

Sooner or later, the corporations that publicly rejected shoot-first, voter-suppression promoter ALEC will go quietly sneaking back, because ALEC helps them more than it hurts them.

But some corporations are shamelessly refusing to even pretend to reject ALEC, and now we know who they are.

Think Progress:

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been under fire lately after the 15 major corporations and organizations pulled their support for the conservative organization, which helps quietly implement corporate-backed legislation in statehouses across the country.

Now, the watchdog advocacy group group Common Cause has released a complete list of corporations on ALEC’s task forces.

Not surprisingly, four of the five major oil companies are members, as are many other energy companies. Some houshold names on the list include Johnson & Johson, State Farm insurance, and AT&T. There are lots of major online businesses, including AOL (the parent company of the Huffington Post), eBay,, Yahoo, and Time Warner.

See the full list here.

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