Thursday, May 31, 2012

Big Power Gives Up On Yet Another Coal Plant

When they won't commit to coal even in the coal-owned Commonwealth, it's time to kick coal to the curb and start sucking up to Big Renewables.

Scott Sloan at the Herald:

Kentucky Power on Wednesday asked to withdraw its controversial request to upgrade an aging coal-burning power plant.

The last-minute reversal came just days before the Monday deadline by which the state Public Service Commission would have ruled whether the electric utility could spend almost $1 billion to install pollution controls on its Big Sandy plant north of Louisa. The plant is its only one in the state.

Kentucky Power's change of plans is another blow to coal in a state that's one of the nation's leading producers. Nationally, coal has come under fire by federal regulators who have created more stringent pollution rules.

Utilities are opting to close coal plants rather than pay millions to upgrade them. They're turning instead to natural gas, which has become cheaper due to new production techniques.

Natural gas is only slightly less lethal than coal, and just another head-in-the-sand fossil fuel that costs far more in both direct price and indirect damage than renewables.

Time to cut ourselves free from fossil fuel feudalism and find renewable energy freedom.

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