Friday, April 27, 2012

Yet Another Repug Idea Proven Wrong and Money-Wasting

Seriously, people: we could all save a ton of money, time and effort if we just work off the assumption that all repug ideas are so bad, the smart response is to do the exact opposite.

Via Firedoglake:

”A Miami federal judge has declared that Gov. Rick Scott’s order requiring drug testing for state workers is unconstitutional.” This was a victory for a state workers’ union, the ACLU and the 4th Amendment and follows on the heels of another federal judge’s rejection of mandatory drug testing of FL welfare applicants. Maybe it’s time to drug test the people who keep making up these unConstitutional laws.

Forget unconstitutional; it's plain stupid. From Think Progress:

Drug testing welfare recipients doesn’t save any money. Studying results of the drug testing policy’s implementation in Florida, the New York Times found that “[b]ecause the Florida law requires that applicants who pass the test be reimbursed for the cost, an average of $30, the cost to the state was $118,140. This is more than would have been paid out in benefits to the people who failed the test.”

But I'll bet drug testing state legislators and recipients of government contracts and government subsidies like Big Oil and Big Pharma and Big Ag would turn up tons of druggies.

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