Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tactics Without Content: Why Repugs Don't Get It

Via political animal, Ta Nehisi Coates on repugs' inappropriate use of the race card:

The conservative movement doesn’t understand anti-racism as a value, only as a rhetorical pose. This is how you end up tarring the oldest integrationist group in the country (the NAACP) as racist. The slur has no real moral content to them. It’s all a game of who can embarrass who. If you don’t think racism is an actual force in the country, then you can only understand its invocation as a tactic.

The same thing is happening with repugs' incomprehensibly lame attempt to claim they're not anti-woman at all. They don't understand that banning equal pay, contraception, abortion and protection from abuse are actual attacks on women, that women resent those attacks and will hold those attacks against repug candidates in the voting booth. All repugs see is the accusation that they are attacking women coming from Democratic candidates. So they fight the accusation as a tactic, completely ignoring the actual substance behind the accusation.

It's not working, mostly because the vast majority of women have seen this before. It's the cheating boyfriend who admits he cheated on her, refuses to apologize for cheating on her, and makes clear he intends to keep cheating on her, but can't understand why she's so upset and won't take him back.

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