Monday, April 23, 2012

Smash the Patriarchy Saturday

Start the Spring out right: Protest!

Joe Sonka at Barefoot and Progressive:

Conservatives and Republicans all over the country have been very busy in 2012 trying to suppress a radical fringe interest group that threatens their homespun American values. In other words, the majority of the country: women.

Next Saturday, April 28th, folks in Lexington and Louisville are gathering to rally against the forces in Kentucky, D.C., and all over the country that are trying their best to destroy women’s health clinics, deny equal pay, and take away the basic constitutional right to control their own own uterus (small government conservatives that they are).

In Lexington, folks are gathering for a march at North Limestone and Main St. at 2:30. (Facebook event page here)

In Louisville, there will be a rally at the Fresh Start Growers Supply starting at 2:00, with some awesome speakers (Congressman John Yarmuth, state Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, and others), bands and food. (If you want to chip in for the costs of the space, clicky here.)

HULK SMASH. Get on it.

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