Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's Because They Don't Care That They Matter So Much

steve M., on on the Reichwingnuts infecting the Supreme Court.

After Citizens United, I think it's quite reasonable to imagine that the Federalist-Four-plus-Kennedy-as-useful-idiot might put 75 years of settled law back on the table. They clearly don't care how much chaos they cause, if oil billionaires are pleased.

But they'll overturn these precedents as soon as it suits them. They'll declare limits on federal control of commerce now, then, if a GOP president and Congress make it illegal to ban fracking, say, via local zoning, they'll do a 180 and say that's constitutional.

They don't care. That's why they need to be stopped. At the very least, they need to be made part of a permanent minority on the Court, which is all the reason you need to vote Obama in November.

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