Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Quote of the Day

To the extent that the repug War on Women has become a War on Sex for Pleasure, it is also a war on men. But this does not seem to have sunk in for even the most enlightened males.

Sexual freedom is a two-way street.

Bon the Geek at Zandar versus The Stupid:

What would happen if a female candidate called them on their stupidity? Can you imagine a woman saying she opposed Viagra, that if God wanted you to have a boner you would have a boner, and that it is offensive for us to see your trouser mouse jump every time there's a breeze? To have such dirty thoughts that led to an erection is an offense to our religious freedom, and we want you to explain to our satisfaction why you think you should have condoms, otherwise they triple in price. Any child you had a role in creating will be yours to raise, and how you plan to work full-time and raise a child is your problem, not ours. We have no plans to help you once you have the child, because you were a slut and brought this on yourself. Now go make me a sammich.

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