Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Buckle Up; The Supremes Are Sending This Election Into Orbit

So, all the constitutional experts and former Supreme Court law clerks who were sooooo sure just yesterday morning that no way would the Supreme Court overturn the Affordable Care Act are now dead-certain that health care reform is doomed.

My prediction has not changed: the repugs on the Court are just as determined as repugs in Congress to destroy the Obama administration, the Constitution be damned.

Citizens United proved that.

Anybody who ever thought said otherwise is a moron or lying.

Technically, the decision won't come down until June or July, so we've got 60 to 90 days to get two instant responses ready:

1) Obamacare is dead: Long Live Medicare for All! It's the only way to save the things about Obamacare that everybody loves: no pre-existing conditions, no coverage limits or refusals, kids covered to age 26. Here's the best part: letting people younger than 65 buy into Medicare drastically lowers Medicare's per-patient cost and saves the program with no premium increases or service cuts. Ta-da!

2) Repugs Killed Obamacare! Sic 'em, Democrats! Anyone who does not vote for Democratic candidates this fall is voting to Let Little Children With Leukemia Die In The Streets.

This is easy, people, which is exactly why dems will fuck it up totally unless we're ready for it.

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