Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The World Austerity Creates

When repugs insist on slashing public investment in the name of "fiscal responsibility," this is what they're really talking about.

More from The Real News, via Southern Dragon at Firedoglake:

"The Greek Experiment. Michael Hudson: Greek crisis used to find out how far finance can drive down wages and privatize."

"Greece’s plight proves that the Lords of Capital have no more use for democratic facades, in Euroland or anywhere else. The Greeks will be allowed to survive – barely, and just for a short while – only if they surrender to “the free movement of capital” and take no actions that would ‘influence the management or control of companies.’ For the people’s purposes, the Greek state has ceased to exist. ‘The sad truth is that citizens of supposedly democratic countries live in dictatorships of, for, and by the rich’."

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