Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lefty WATBs: "Occupy Won't Play By Our Rules!"

So. Occupy accomplishes in three months what the Left could not accomplish in 30 years - changing the conversation from "how to more efficiently fuck over poor people" to "how to make rich motherfuckers pay their fair share" - and how does the Left thank them?

By bitching and complaining because Occupy is not promoting the Democratic Party's corporatist agenda.

Tough shit, morons. Occupy is not your fucking cheering section. You want people to fall in line, join the motherfucking repugs. Jesus Fucking Christ, what a bunch of tools.

Allison Kilkenny at In These Times:

This week, Bill Maher and Chris Hedges went to war with the black bloc, though Maher framed his attack against Occupy Wall Street more broadly. The tactics he seems to take issue with i.e. throwing chairs through a Starbucks window is behavior usually associated with individuals claiming to be part of black bloc action.

The discontentment with Occupy on the left appears to be growing. In an interview I did yesterday with The Young Turks yesterday, host Cenk Uygur expressed similar frustration with the movement that stubbornly refuses to engage within the political system.

Let me be clear: this aggrivation on the left is not new, but it seems prominent liberal players feel a renewed sense of confidence that they will not be booed mercilessly by their audiences if they take Occupy to task.

While the left joined the mainstream in a now almost five-month long bickerfest over protest tactics, Occupy Pittsburgh quietly closed shop, dismantled their tents, and removed the remaining fixtures of their encampment.

Yeah, congratulations, you mainstream progressive assholes: you pissed and moaned the biggest liberal success of the last half-century off the front pages and into the loving arms of police thugs.

Fine. You think Occupy is so terrible, you don't get to take credit for everything Occupy accomplishes from now on. In every state, Occupy protests are moving out of tent camps and into the community, where they are stopping foreclosures and picketing bad actors and organizing good neighbors.

Occupy is everywhere. You can't stop it. Just four months old, it's already bigger than lefty WATBs, bigger than the Obama campaign, bigger than the Democratic Party.

Attack it at your peril.

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