Monday, February 20, 2012

A Death in Western Kentucky

Western Kentucky is the most conservative section of the Commonwealth. No Democratic statewide candidate can ever be assured of victory until the late returns come in from the counties west of Louisville.

But deep in the heart of conservative Western Kentucky, Hopkinsville is rallying to a family mourning the death by suicide of its bisexual teenager.

From the Kentucky New Era:

Miranda’s death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound has sparked a local movement against bullying and teen suicide. The Miranda Campbell Challenge, started Sunday by Felty and kids from the teen center, has a Facebook page with 1,129 likes from users. Many users have left supportive comments for the movement and Miranda’s family.

The school had a memorial service for Miranda in its gymnasium Wednesday night. Friends and family spoke about Miranda during the event.

Travis Campbell, Miranda’s father, said that his daughter dealt with bullying on a day-to-day basis in school, in connection to her bisexuality. Felty, who knew Miranda for more than two years, also said bullying was a factor in her life.

Both Campbell and Felty want the movement to help discourage bullying in schools and the community.

“We are going to use (the challenge) to communicate to parents and teachers in the area the price that can be paid from lashing out and bullying,” Campbell said. “We are making sure we can turn this into something positive.”

Read the whole thing.

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