Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shop & Share Next Saturday, Feb. 4

We all know someone who has been the victim of domestic violence, whether we realize it or not. Shelters for them are always the last to be funded and the first to be cut, despite being literal life-savers for those who can find safety nowhere else.

From Kentucky First Lady Jane Beshear, who is light years better in every way than her husband:

Saturday, Feb. 4 is our annual Shop and Share Day to benefit victims of domestic violence.

On this day, volunteers will be at Kentucky Kroger stores from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. collecting donated goods for 15 Kentucky Domestic Violence Association (KDVA) shelters across the state. We’re also happy to have 13 Food City stores in Eastern Kentucky join us in collecting items for the first time this year.

If you don’t have time to shop on Feb. 4, you can still “share” by donating goods to bins in state office buildings. Shop and Share bins are located in the central lobbies of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the State Office Building and outside the Governor’s Office in the State Capitol.

Please remember that shelters need more than just canned food to help support victims. They also need items such as toiletries, diapers and school supplies.

If you want to volunteer on Shop and Share Day, please visit

Our domestic violence shelters do a remarkable job helping victims to get back on their feet and regain control of their lives. Donating to Shop and Share is a simple way to help these shelters make a difference in victims’ lives.

And don't forget, direct cash donations to your local shelter are always needed and welcome.

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