Wednesday, January 18, 2012


If the HTML code works properly, this blog will be blacked out from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today, Wednesday, Jan. 18.

The purpose of the Internet-wide strike, led by no less an Internet Essential than Wikipedia itself, is to show the world what the Internet will look like if the fascist censorship bills - PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House - pass into law.

While SOPA has been temporarily derailed, the even-worse PIPA is still alive in the Senate.

While the disappearance of Blue in the Bluegrass would not cause even the tiniest ripple in the space-time continuum, PIPA and SOPA would eliminate vast swaths of the Internet. Look for your favorite sites today, see which is showing solidarity by striking, and ponder life without any of them.

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